Sunday, July 29, 2007

will government & enterprise turn to Google for their GIS needs
yes and no

1. why need to invent the technology
2. Google streaming is unmatched - Google infrastructure
3. continue improvement - urban images are regularly update and getting better
4. simple user interface - non technical proof
5. comparatively low rental rate
6. etc

1. security concern
2. not enough local coverages
3. data obsolete
4. less control (perceive no control)
5. no on site support
6. scalability issue - limited

Traditionally businesses and gov opted enterprise GIS application than an online model (web GIS).
ASP model is only limited within and inter related organizations.
One of the reasons is data security
Organization is open for web GIS model that provide by comthey trust.
Why they trust depend on
- local presence, connection, eligibility
- superior product and services
- branding
- track record
- etc

By the nature of typical Asian government and Google setups, Google will still have to wait
While, Web GIS ASP model can be acceptable, why - ref, ePerolehan,, etc. Sharing platform with trusted organization is acceptable among Gov agencies.

1 comment:

Google Street View Funny said...

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