Wednesday, January 30, 2008

making GIS Rock

Geo Sense is transforming typical geo related services from turnkey project basis to open 24 hours next door store, by providing subscription Geo channels and services. Geo Sense offers a slice of GIS functionality with much deeper emphasized at end user requirements rather than full blown spatial analytical tools. Anyways, typical end user only use about 25-30% of GIS functionalities, while cartography, surveyor and specialize Geo related firms are the real users that appreciate the full functionalities. Thus Geo Sense emphasizes simplicity and collaboration platform rather than shrink wrap software.
..... how to make GIS rocks
variety of geo data and how each are related to each other and make sense for decision making.
How to take user to the next stage of GIS is by providing a platform that encourage volunteering Geo data updating or geo tagging and at some level provide simulation platform for greater understanding.

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